Mission Possible: Hiring a Blockchain Guru In Two Weeks

Limitless Labs is a Web3 startup that develops a prediction market platform for users. The innovative platform Limitless.Exchange is a social prediction protocol where crypto-influencers can create and share prediction markets with their communities. The company trusted us to find a FrontEnd Blockchain Engineer for the core team, and we found them a perfect match… in 2 weeks.


The challenge

1. Besides Front-end expertise with the latest technologies (NextJS), this role required a specialist with recent experience in Web3 projects, particularly in DeFi. The ideal candidate should have developed DEX and/or AMM, be able to work in a startup environment, have strong cross-team collaboration skills, and be a true Web3 ambassador. The main challenge of this position was not in the Frontend part, but in the Blockchain part, so we were looking for not just a developer but a real crypto enthusiast.

2. The geography of the search was limited to countries in the CET time zone due to the link to the company's office, which is located in Lisbon, Portugal.
3. We were looking for a person to be the core of the team, so among the personal qualities, a 'hustler mindset,' the presence of great ambitions to create innovative products, the ability to work with deadlines, and a dynamic focus were mandatory. It was very important that the specialist shared the team's values as the final product, and the development of the product would depend on the influence of everyone on the team.
The screening of profiles of Web3 candidates also became a separate challenge, which took more time compared to any profiles of Web2 specialists because many of them are involved in several products at the same time and, in addition to the technological stack, include in the description of their own profiles many specific blockchain abbreviations and directions, over with which they work in parallel in different statuses (Founder/Co-founder in the top).This made it difficult to understand the expertise and level of involvement we needed.

How was it possible to find ‘the one’ in two weeks?

For us, this meant activating all the key search factors:● A clear understanding of the requirements, specialization, and level of expertise of the ideal candidate● Proactive communication with the hiring manager regarding the search and rapid calibration of requirements● Our wide database of Web3 candidates and our previous experience with similar positions.

One of the client's expectations was to close the vacancy quickly and efficiently. If we could take care of "efficiently" by understanding exactly who is needed and having search tools, it would not be easy to meet the tight deadline because simultaneously with the search, it was necessary to calibrate our own understanding of the position and expectations of the customer (clearly, the Web3 specialty 🙈). Having the right strategy helped us move at the right speed




What clients say about our partnership

  • Illustration

    Roman Mogylnyi

    COO, Co-founder at Limitless Labs

    Thanks to VeryBusy | Tech Recruitment Sorted, we hired a candidate who was the perfect fit regarding both hard and soft skills. The team led ideal processes, met every deliverable, and communicated through virtual meetings. They also handled a culture fit check, which stood out to us.

    May 2, 2024

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